Keynotes, Plenaries and Sponsored University Lectures
Epistemology of Science. Institute for Practical Ethics, University of California, San Diego
Keynote. TBA (May 1, 2024)
Advancing Science in America (ARCS). Seattle, WA
Keynote. TBA (October 30, 2023)
International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2). Mærsk Tower, Copenhagen, Denmark
Keynote. TBA (July 18, 2023)
Media literacy, misinformation, and disinformation (Dec. 1, 2023)
UW Town Hall University Lecture. Town Hall Seattle
University Lecture. TBA (Oct. 27, 2023)
Calling Bullshit in an Age of Misinformation(Sept. 30, 2018)
Simon Fraser University President's Dream Colloquium on Making Knowledge Public. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Calling Bullshit on Fake News (Sept. 13, 2018)
Echo chambers in science? (Aug. 21, 2018)
Washington Medical Library Association. UW, Seattle, WA
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation (July 20, 2018)
Future of Facts in a 'Post-Truth' World. The Phillips Collection Museum, Washington, DC
The Truth in Numbers (May 15, 2018)
Academic Business Library Directors (ABLD) Annual Meeting. UW, Seattle, WA
Data reasoning amidst the data deluge (May 9, 2018)
PharmaSUG Annual Conference. Seattle, WA
Calling BS on Big Data (April 29, 2018)
UW Data Science Summit. UW, Seattle, WA
Reigning in Data Science (April 3, 2018)
American Institute of Physics Annual Assembly. College Park, MD
Combatting Misinformation in Science (March 29, 2018)
Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC). Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data (March 24, 2018)
The Rolf Buchdahl Endowed Symposium on Science, Technology, and Values. Interdisciplinary Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Thinking critically about data in the social and natural sciences (March 16, 2018)
UW Dental School Research Day. UW, Seattle, WA
Sorting Evidence from Bullshit in the Age of Evidence-Based Dentistry (Jan. 30, 2018)
Epistemology for the Real World: Navigating in an Archipelago of Alt-Epistemology and Alt-Truth conference. UW, Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Real World (Jan. 19, 2018)
Teaching with the Library: From Data to Knowledge. University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation (Jan. 8, 2018)
League of Women Voters. Benaroya Hall, Seattle, WA
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation (Dec. 7, 2017)
TEDxSeattle. McCaw Hall, Seattle, WA
Learning how to become an expert at recognizing BS (Nov. 19, 2017)
SCIX2017. Reno, NV
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data (Oct. 13, 2017)
Washington Library Association Conference. Hotel Murano, Tacoma, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data (Nov. 4, 2017)
NSF ADVANCE Conference on Broadening Participation: Intersectionality. Marriott Wardham Park Hotel, Washington, DC
The Role of Gender in Scholarly Authorship (Oct. 8, 2017)
Washington State Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference. Woodway High School, Edmonds, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data (Oct. 7, 2017)
National Association for Business Economics (NABE). Economics in the Age of Algorithms, Experiments and A.I., Marriott Waterfront, Seattle, WA
When to Call BS on Big Data (Nov. 16, 2017)
UPCEA Conference. Renaissance Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA
Calling Bullshit in a Data-Driven World (Setp. 26, 2017)
AUREO Conference. Fairmont Olympic Hotel, Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data (Setp. 18, 2017)
Netsci Workshop: Knowledge Networks in Science and Technology. Indianopolis, IN
Viziometrics: mapping the knowledge literature (June 20, 2017)
Netsci Satellite on Quantifying Success. Indianopolis, IN
Measuring patent influence using citation and litigation (June 20, 2017)
JCDL: International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Viziometrics: building a figure-centric search engine for the scholarly literature (June 19, 2017)
Lakeside High School. Seattle, WA
Calling BS (May 15, 2017)
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Annual Retreat. Grand Hyatt, Seattle, WA
The Science of Science (Sept. 12, 2016) PDF
Data Science Conference. National Library, Beijing, China
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes (June 20, 2016) PDF
Health Research Alliance Annual Meeting. New York, NY
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes (April 1, 2016) PDF
International Symposium on Advanced Future Studies. Kyoto University, Japan
Mapping the Emergence of Scientific Disciplines (Feb. 12, 2016) PDF
Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment Summit. Cle Elem, WA
Plenary. Loosing sleep in a data-driven dream (Oct. 5, 2015) PDF
Invited Talks
TBA (Aug. 31, 2024)
TBA (April. 11, 2024)
Sound Cities Association. Tukwila, WA
TBA (Oct. 25, 2023)
Scientists Speak Up. Stanford University
Scientific communication and integrity (Oct. 18, 2023)
Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI). Hyatt Regency Seattle
Keynote. The Indispensable Role of Research Administrators (Oct. 16, 2023)
Allen Library Collaboration Celebration. University of Washington Libraries
Misinformation Interventionists: Working with and for Librarians (Oct. 12, 2023)
Idaho Library Association Conference. Twin Falls, ID
Keynote. Misinformation Interventionists: Working with and for Librarians (Oct. 5, 2023)
Salish Current Public Speaker Event. Village Books, Bellingham, WA
TBA (April 13, 2023)
American Physical Society (APS) Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV
Countering Misinformation in Physics Outreach and Public Engagement (March 8, 2023)
Washington State University Misinfoday. Pullman, WA
TBA (March 6, 2023)
Data Science Institute Speaker Series. University of Toronto.
The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World (January 23, 2023)
Princeton University Public Lecture Series (Council of Science and Technology). Princeton, NJ (virtual)
The Nature of Evidence (TBA)
Drinking Liberally. Redmond, WA (Virtual)
TBA (May. 11, 2021)
UW Information School iAffiliates Annual Meeting. University of Washington, Seattle, WA (virtual)
TBA (April 27, 2021)
FermiLab Public Lecture Series. Batavia, IL
TBA (April 9, 2021)
Knight Media Forum. (virtual)
Countering the 2020 Infodemic (April 9, 2021)
Delegation of Young Leaders from Africa. Foundation for International Understanding Through Students (FIUTS), Seattle, WA (virtual)
Promoting Media Literacy and Countering Disinformation (Jan. 29, 2021)
Society of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC). Nagoya, Japan (virtual)
TBA (July 21, 2021)
Middlebury College: data science and digital humanities initiative (MiddData). Middlebury, VT (virtual)
TBA (April 23, 2021)
National Numeracy Network (NNN). (virtual)
TBA (Feb. 26, 2021)
Yale University Law School Information Society Project (ISP). New Haven, CT (Virtual)
The 2020 election integrity partnership (December 11, 2021)
Institute for Public Administration Australia (PAA). Sydney, Australia (virtual)
Cyber and Other Threats to Functioning Democracies (panelist) (Nov. 16, 2020)
Washington State Annual Judicial Conference. Spokane, WA
TBA (Sept. 15, 2020) (Postponed)
Center for Business Ethics. Seattle University Albers School of Business
TBA (May 7, 2020)
Community Development Roundtable . Washington Athletic Club, Seattle, WA
TBA (May 4, 2020)
Edelman Trust Barometer Conference. Seattle, WA/div>
Panelist (March 11, 2020)
Metascience. Stanford University
Echo Chambers in Science? (Sept. 7, 2019)
National Humanities Center. Webinar
Combating Misinformation with a Dose of Humanities-Inspired Data Reasoning (Sept. 11, 2018)
Misinfocon. Newseum, Washington, DC
Data Reasoning for the Digital Age. (Aug. 7, 2018)
University District Rotary Club. Seattle, WA
Calling BS in an Age of Big Data (April 6, 2018)
Western Washington University Lecture Series. Poulsbo, WA
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation (March 22, 2018)
Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Washington Athletic Club (WAC), Seattle, WA
Calling BS: data reasoning for a digital age (March 5, 2018)
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting. Hyatt, Atlanta, GA
Bullshitting: Empirical and Experiential Examinations of a Pervasive Social Behavior (March 3, 2018)
Association of Librarians of the UW (ALUW). Seattle, WA
Combatting Misinformation with Libraries (Feb. 27, 2018)
UW Faculty Senate. UW, Seattle, WA
Making sense of information: Who do we trust? Where do we go from here? (Feb. 9, 2018)
Big History. Maxwell Hotel, Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data (Jan. 20, 2018)
Beyond the Bench 24: Uniting for a Better Future. Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA
Identifying Fake News (Dec. 19, 2017)
Creative Mornings. Seattle, WA
Data Reasoning in a Digital World (Dec. 15, 2017)
National Academy of Sciences, Integrating Ethics and Privacy Concerns into Data Science Education. Washington, DC
Calling BS in the Age of Data Science Euphoria (Dec. 8, 2017)
Clinical Informatics Grand Rounds Meeting. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data (Nov. 13, 2017)
Journalism Interactive. University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Media Literacy in an Age of Big Data (Oct. 20, 2017)
GeekWire Summit. Bloomberg TV, Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, WA
Panel on Misinformation (Oct. 11, 2017)
UW News Facebook Live Q&A. UW, Seattle, WA
Talking fake news and misinformation (Setp. 20, 2017)
The Information War: Fake News, Privacy and Big Data. UW Masters in Data Science, ImpactHub, Seattle, WA
Panel on Fake News, Privacy and Big Data (Setp. 18, 2017)
UW Faculty Fellows Panel. Center for Teaching and Learning, UW, Seattle, WA
Why we do what we do (Setp. 5, 2017)
Calling Bullshit in the Age of Big Data (Aug. 16, 2017)
Chemical Heritage Foundation. Philadelphia, PA
Digital history from the perspective of a data scientist (May 27, 2017)
PAE Reform Symposium. Stanford University, Palo Alto CA
Are Trolls Good (At Choosing Valuable Patents)? (May 11, 2017)
UW Foundation Board. University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Calling Bullshit in the Age of Big Data (April 28, 2017)
American Mathematical Society. Washington State University, Pullman, WA
An information theoretic approach for hierarchically clustering large acyclic graphs (April 23, 2017)
Northwest Science Writers' Association. Seattle, WA
BS in Science (March 14, 2017)
NSF Workshop: Can Network Measures Serve as Indicators of Knowledge Creation and Flow? George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Visualizing Knowledge Flows (Nov. 7, 2016) PDF
Women in Genome Sciences. University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Gender and self-citation across fields and over time (Nov. 7, 2016)
Ohio State University Libraries Public Lecture. Columbus, OH
Diversity and Gender in Scholarly Publishing (Nov. 3, 2016) PDF
Lab, Wuhan University. Shanghai, China
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes (June 17, 2016) PDF
Lab, Tsinghua University. Beijing, China
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes (June 16, 2016) PDF
Chemical Heritage Foundation. Philadelphia, PA
Digital history from the perspective of a data scientist (May 27, 2016)
American Heart Association Research Leaders Academy. San Antonio, TX
Mapping the AHA Community (July 26, 2016) PDF
International Symposium on Advanced Future Studies. Kyoto University, Japan
The Data Gold Rush in Science Education (Feb. 11, 2016) PDF
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Seattle, WA
Facilitating discovery with zoomable maps (Feb. 4, 2016) PDF
Duke University Machine Learning Seminar Series. Duke University, NC
Mapping Knowledge Networks (Nov. 11, 2015)
Pew Biomedical Scholars Conference. Grand Cayman, West Indies
Mapping the citation influence of the Pew Biomedical Scholars Program (Nov. 5, 2015)
Social-Personality Psychology Seminar. University of Washington
Gender Differences in Scholarly Self Citation (Oct. 22, 2015) PDF
Distinguished Lecture Series, SKKU Library & Information Science. Sungkyunkwan Univ., South Korea
Data Cartography: Managing Knowledge Networks (July 16, 2015)
Santa Fe Institute Speaker Series. Santa Fe Institute, NM
The Jargon Barriers of Science (March 17, 2015) PDF
The UW Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, Seattle, WA
Finding Cultural Holes: How Structure and Culture Diverge in Networks (Oct. 15, 2014)
Gordon Research Conference on Science and Technology Policy, Waterville Valley, NH
Mapping Institutional Impact (Aug. 13, 2014)
United States Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, DC
Evaluating patents from large open data sets (Aug. 4, 2014)
Microsoft Faculty Summit, iSchools Summit, Redmond, WA
DataLab: developing a student-centered data science lab (July 16, 2014)
Gruter Institute For Law & Behavioral Research, Squaw Valley, CA
Innovation in Science (May 21, 2014)
Biology and Data Science (April 8, 2014)
PLoS Article-level Metrics Workshop, San Francisco, CA
Article-Level Navigators (Oct. 11, 2013)
The Indiana School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Data Cartography (Nov. 18, 2013)
International Society of Managing and Technical Editors (ISMTE), Washington, DC
The Eigenfactor Metrics (Nov. 18, 2013)
Genome Sciences Seminar, University of Washington, Washington, DC
The role of gender in Scholarly Authorship (Nov. 12, 2013)
Microsoft Faculty Summit, Redmond, WA
Publishing and Perishing in the Twenty-First Century (July 15, 2013)
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), University of Maryland, Annapolis, MD
Using Maps to Navigate Knowledge Networks (April 9, 2013)
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Quantitative Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, Wa
Eigenfactor: measuring and mapping scientific knowledge (March 22, 2013)
Gruter Institute For Law & Behavioral Research, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Growth of growth economics (Oct. 12, 2012)
Digital Science, London, UK
Ranking and Mapping (June 14, 2012)
International Conference on Academia and Publishing, Torino, Italy
The role of gender in scholarly authorship (May 31, 2012)
Gruter Institute For Law & Behavioral Research, Squaw Valley, CA
Can Ignorance Promote Democracy (May 21, 2012)
Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Document Discovery: Advancing Research with Large Knowledge Networks (Dec. 1, 2011)
Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL
Eigenfactor (Nov. 11, 2011)
Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Document Discovery: Advancing Research with Large Knowledge Networks (Nov. 3, 2011, 2011)
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Traversing Fitness Landscapes by Changing Environments (Nov. 2, 2011)
Harvard eScience Workshop, Harvard University, Boston, MA
Future of Scholarly Communication (Oct. 24, 2011)
Canadian Research Knowledge Network Annual Conference 2011 Ottawa, Canada
TBA (Oct. 5, 2011)
Microsoft Faculty Summit 2011 Redmond, WA
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge (July 20, 2011)
Open Repositories University of Texas, Austin
Eigenfactor and Microsoft Academic Search (June 7, 2011)
Society for Scholarly Publishing Boston, MA
The Eigenfactor Metrics: a network approach to assessing scholarly journals (June 1, 2011)
Law and Human Behavior - Innovation and Economic Growth Gruter Institute, Squaw Valley, CA
Measuring Interdisciplinarity in Science (May 26, 2011)
Mapping and Measuring Scientific Output Santa Fe, NM
The Eigenfactor Metrics: a network approach to assessing scholarly journals (May 10, 2011)
Center for Models of Life Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mapping the network ecology of science at the article level (April 19, 2011)
Applications of Network Theory - The Conference NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden
Mapping the network ecology of science at the article level (April 8, 2011)
The Changing Face of Scientific Research McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge (Dec. 1, 2010)
Assessing The Usage and Value of Scholarly and Scientific Output Philadelphia, PA
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge (Nov 10, 2010)
Eigenfactor: harnessing the power of networks to better navigate the scholarly... (Oct 27, 2010)
Eigenfactor: harnessing the power of networks to better navigate the scholarly... (Sept 28, 2010)
Society for Scholarly Publishing 32nd Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA
New Developments in Defining Impact (June 4, 2010)
American Chemistry Society National Meeting San Francisco, CA
Eigenfactor and the Future of Scholarly Communication (March 24, 2010)
The Eigenfactor Metrics (Dec. 16, 2009)
International Workshop on "What is Evolution?" Kyoto University, Japan
Traversing Fitness Landscapes by Changing Environments (Oct. 17, 2009)
Complex Networks, Department of Theoretical Physics, Umea University, Sweden
The networks of bibliometrics (Oct. 2, 2009)
2009 ALPSP International Conference Oxford, UK
The Eigenfactor Metrics: tools for navigating the scholarly literature (Sept. 10, 2009)
2009 Council of Science Editors Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, PA
The Eigenfactor 'Ac-count' of Scholarly Evaluation (May 3, 2009)
PSU Digital Research Symposium Portland State University, Portland, OR
The Economics and Structure of Scholarly Publishing (April 29, 2009)
BioOne Publishers and Partners Meeting Washington, DC
The Economics and Structure of Scholarly Publishing (April 17, 2009)
Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping the scholarly literature (Feb. 11, 2009)
National Institute of Informatics (SPARC) Tokyo, Japan
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping the scholarly literature (Nov. 25, 2008)
National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba, Japan
Eigenfactor and Materials Science Journals (Nov. 24, 2008)
Yale Library and Faculty Yale University, New Haven, CT
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge (Nov. 3, 2008)
Center for Digital Research and Scholarship Columbia University, New York City, NY
Alternatives to Impact Factor in Evaluating Scholarly Literature (Oct. 30, 2008)
Inst. of Economic Research & Yukawa Inst. of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan
Measuring Interdisciplinarity: A Flow Cite-ometry Approach (Oct. 21, 2008)
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (Annual Editors Meeting) Seattle, WA
Eigenfactor as a tool for journal editors (Oct. 15, 2008)
Library Assessment Conference University of Washington, Seattle, WA
An Introduction to Eigenfactor (Aug. 6, 2008)
American Library Association Annual Conference JSTOR Participants’ Meeting, Anaheim, CA
Applying Eigenfactor Metrics to JSTOR Data (June 29, 2008)
Using bibliometrics to make purchasing decisions (June 16, 2008)
Annual Meeting of the Council of Science Editors Vancouver, BC
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping the scientific knowledge (May 19, 2008)
HighWire Press Publishers’ Meeting Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Journal-Quality Metrics – The Eigenfactor (May 6, 2008)
Assessing Research Performance and Value University of California, Los Angeles, CA
The Academic Perspective on Research Evaluation (May 5, 2008)
Emerging Trends in Scholarly Publishing National Press Club, Washington, DC
Eigenfactor—The Google Approach to Bibliometrics (April 17, 2008)
National Academy of Sciences E-Journal Summit Washington, DC
Eigenfactor, a new approach to assessing journal quality (March 18, 2008)
European Science Foundation ERIH Stakeholder Meeting University of Granada, Spain
Metrics for the Humanities (November 19, 2007)
29th Annual ARCS Luncheon Westin Hotel, Seattle, WA
Networks, Disease and Maps (Nov. 13, 2007)
ARCS Auction Dinner Conibear Shellhouse, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
From antibiotic resistance to the bird flu (June 23, 2007)
Harvard Law School, Berkman Center for Internet and Society & the Gruter Institute
Academic Reputation: Democracy vs Meriotocracy (May 4, 2006)
Conference Talks
Seattle Town Hall. Seattle, WA
Who can we trust? Technology's Impact on Democracy (Jan. 23, 2020)
Sunbelt Conference. Utrecht University, Netherlands
Echo Chambers in Science? (June 26, 2018)
iSchool Research Symposium. UW, Seattle, WA
CalS on Phrenology 2.0 (Dec. 4, 2017)
Mapping Knowledge Networks. (July 12, 2016) PDF
WWW Workshop on Big Scholarly Data. Montreal, Canada.
Babel: Platform for Scholarly Recommendation. (April 12, 2016) PDF
WWW Workshop on Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation. Montreal, Canada
Visualizing Scholarly Influence. (April 11, 2016) PDF
International Symposium on Science of Science. Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Science of Science? (March 22, 2016) PDF
International Symposium on Science of Science. Washington, DC
Assessing the Impact of Research Funding. w/Jason Portenoy. (March 22, 2016) PDF
Static Ranking of Scholarly Papers using Article-Level Eignefactor (ALEF). San Francisco, CA
WSDM Cup 2016 - Entity Ranking Challenge Workshop. PDF (Feb. 22, 2016)
ASIS&T SIGMET Workshop. Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, WA
Modifying the Eigenfactor Algorithm for improving interpretability. (Nov. 5, 2014)
Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting. Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, WA
Curation and Policy Issues in Collaborative Research Data Management Communities (Nov. 5, 2014)
Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada
The genesis of scientific disciplines (Nov. 5, 2013)
Google's SciFoo Conference. Mountain View, CA (June 23, 2018)
Making a case for open research: Implications for reproducibility and transparency (Oct. 27, 2017)
Misinfocon. Mozilla Festival, London, UK
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data (Oct. 26, 2017)
News Literacy Working Group, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ (March 5, 2017)
NSF NCSES Workshop on Network Indicators.
George Washington University, Washington, DC (Dec. 14, 2016)
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (Nov. 14, 2016)
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (Nov. 3, 2016)
Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments Annual Summit. Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY
Data Science Education (Oct. 23-26, 2016)
Columbia University Butler Library, New York, NY (Oct. 13, 2016)
Metaknowledge Network Annual Meeting. University of Chicago, Hyde Park, IL
Scholarly Recommendation (March 15, 2016)
Perspectives from Key Stakeholders (SIG/STI). Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, WA
Curation and Policy Issues in Collaborative Research Data Management Communities (Nov. 5, 2014)
The Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting. Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, WA
Data Science (Nov. 5, 2014)
Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments Annual Summit. Monterey, CA
Data Science Education (Oct. 8, 2014)